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This page: Select committee
| Submissions |
InformationCurrent select committee process, March 2010 - Third
Supercity Bill
really important you make your views known to the Select
Committee (as well as other avenues) on this draft law.
The draft law under scrutiny (a 'Bill') is the Local
Government (Auckland Law Reform) Bill (and
informally referred to as the 'Third Bill').
Your submission into this
draft law is needed; submissions
closed on Friday 12 February 2010 before midnight
Auckland Governanace Legislation Committee
Submissions submission:- Supplementary Submission 01 - Election Signs
- Coming soon... Oral submission (25Feb2010)
Note: Views and opinions are those of the respective authors.
- Organisations
- Councils
- Individuals (+ families and businesses)
Hearings began Monday 22nd February 2010 in Parnell (Auckland)
The select committee began hearing evidence in Auckland on Monday 22nd February 2010.
All hearings will be held upstairs in
the Endeavour/Discovery Rooms at the Quality Hotel Barrycourt, located at 20
Gladstone Road, Parnell. There is parking available in the hotel complex. This
is the only location in the Auckland region where the Select Committee will hold hearings.
Individuals were heard in the first few days; and offered upto 3-4 minutes speaking time.
From Wednesday afternoon (24Feb2010) hearings for organisations have commenced.
There was early indication that Auckland councils will be heard on 01 and 02 March
2010 (although that may have since been put back).
Hearings are generally between 9am and 8pm; though some days have earlier finish times.
Times are subject to change without notice. Select Committee meeting schedule for this week.
It is anticipated that hearings will take around two weeks, finishing Thursday 04th March 2010? presented on Thursday 25th February 2010.
Check back in the next day or so, we hope to share some of what we presented...

File photo: presenting at the July 2009 select
committee hearings, on the Second Bill.
Position papers
Note: Views and opinions are those of the respective authors.
Additional information
Information & tips about the
Supercity plans.
Handouts by
Note: Views and opinions are those of the respective authors.
Did you have problems lodging your submission via the internet?
is aware that for the Third Bill submissions, many people had
difficulties submitting their submission using the internet.
people were able to overcome the issues; though we suspect that some
other people may not have been successful in lodging their submission.
recent months Parliament has used an online submission form via a
webpage. 'Popups' being blocked was not obvious for some users, across
varying skill levels and complexities.
The Select Committee
Office has shutdown the previous committee e-mail address for
correspondence and submissions; with all e-mails bouncing.
This caused problems for people who were doing what they did on the Second Bill last year and tried to e-mail their submissions.
How do I
make my submission? (Submissions have now closed)
- Make a submission on the Local Government (Auckland Law
Reform) Bill. Parliament's website provides
instructions on lodging your submission
- Begin with that page
for lodging an electronic submission, 'Make an online submission'.
(Please do not lodge a paper copy if you make an online submission.)
- If you do not make an online submission, post two copies
of your paper submission
following guidelines may help you structure your submission, or
appreciate the select committee process and how you can best get your
message accross:
- Parliament's offical guideline, Making a submission to a Parliamentary
Select Committee
- As
an aid for quickly getting started, have cautiously
provided some basic instructions to help people get started and
overcome the procedural stuff, How
to make a basic submission. This is adapted
from Parlaiment's suggested submission format (at the end of
their guidelines)
- Remember to
- stay on topic. The select committee will only be
considering the matters raised in this Bill
This page updated: Wednesday 03 March 2010 11:55 NZDT
Copyright © 2009-2010